Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

We believe in playing our part...

Supporting the next generation

Chess Dynamics is engaged in student training through work experience programmes, internships, graduate initiatives and the UKESF scholarship scheme. We invest in graduates through a structured development programme for those who aspire to fulfil their long-term career goals.


Armed forces covenant

Chess Dynamics is part of the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant. The covenant is an agreement between the armed forces community, the nation, and the government. It encapsulates the moral obligation to those who serve, have served, their families and the bereaved.

Read more about the covenant on the Government website. 


Charity support

Throughout the year we support charities through fundraising and direct donations, in particular our Group charity partner the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA). Our people are keen fundraisers and often take part in challenges, from MacMillan Coffee Morning to Christmas Jumper Day.


Carbon reduction plan

Chess is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050, therefore we are making efforts to monitor and reduce our carbon footprint in line with our ISO14001 certification.

You can read our carbon reduction plan here. This includes what we’ve achieved in the last year and what we aim to do in the future.



Quality Management System - ISO 9001:2015

Environmental Management System - ISO 14001:2015