Chess Dynamics Celebrates Volunteers' Week by Giving Back to Communities!

JUNE 03, 2024

Chess Dynamics is proud to celebrate Volunteers' Week by dedicating time and effort to giving back to our local communities.

Our teams in Horsham, Plymouth, and Wokingham are all geared up for some fantastic volunteer projects in aid of volunteers’ week.


Horsham Gets a Spring Clean at The Holbrook Club

Our Horsham team is heading to The Holbrook Club, a not-for-profit leisure provider, where they'll be taking on a diverse range of tasks. From weeding overgrown areas and edging footpaths to varnishing benches and painting, they'll be ensuring the club's grounds are looking their best.


Plymouth Tackles Litter and Offers Manual Labor Support

Chess Dynamics Plymouth is joining forces with Clean Our Patch, who works with councils and communities to improve urban and rural areas, for a crucial litter picking session. This initiative aims to keep the local environment clean and free of debris. Additionally, the Plymouth team will be offering their assistance at Poole Farm with some manual labour tasks. Their efforts will undoubtedly contribute to the smooth running and upkeep of the farm.


Wokingham Team Cleans Up Dinton Country Park

The Wokingham branch of Chess Dynamics is heading outdoors to Dinton Country Park. There, they'll be focusing on litter picking, ensuring the park remains a beautiful and enjoyable space for everyone to visit.


Our people are passionate about supporting the communities where we operate. Volunteers' Week provides a valuable opportunity to make a positive impact on the places we call home. We'll be sharing updates on the progress of our teams' projects throughout the month, so stay tuned!


Join the Chess Dynamics Team

Become a part of the Chess Dynamics team and you could be making a difference and volunteering in 2025. Please visit our careers page for further information on our current vacancies.

